Add conditional formatting to cells
conditionalFormatting( wb, sheet, cols, rows, rule = NULL, style = NULL, type = "expression", ... )
wb | A workbook object |
sheet | A name or index of a worksheet |
cols | Columns to apply conditional formatting to |
rows | Rows to apply conditional formatting to |
rule | The condition under which to apply the formatting. See examples. |
style | A style to apply to those cells that satisfy the rule. Default is createStyle(fontColour = "#9C0006", bgFill = "#FFC7CE") |
type | Either 'expression', 'colourScale', 'databar', 'duplicates', 'beginsWith', 'endsWith', 'topN', 'bottomN', 'contains' or 'notContains' (case insensitive). |
... | See below |
See Examples.
If type == "expression"
style is a Style object. See createStyle
rule is an expression. Valid operators are "<", "<=", ">", ">=", "==", "!=".
If type == "colourScale"
style is a vector of colours with length 2 or 3
rule can be NULL or a vector of colours of equal length to styles
If type == "databar"
style is a vector of colours with length 2 or 3
rule is a numeric vector specifying the range of the databar colours. Must be equal length to style
showvalue If FALSE the cell value is hidden. Default TRUE.
gradient If FALSE colour gradient is removed. Default TRUE.
border If FALSE the border around the database is hidden. Default TRUE.
If type == "duplicates"
style is a Style object. See createStyle
rule is ignored.
If type == "contains"
style is a Style object. See createStyle
rule is the text to look for within cells
If type == "between"
style is a Style object. See createStyle
rule is a numeric vector of length 2 specifying lower and upper bound (Inclusive)
If type == "topN"
style is a Style object. See createStyle
rule is ignored
rank numeric vector of length 1 indicating number of highest values.
percent TRUE if you want top N percentage.
If type == "bottomN"
style is a Style object. See createStyle
rule is ignored
rank numeric vector of length 1 indicating number of lowest values.
percent TRUE if you want bottom N percentage.
Alexander Walker, Philipp Schauberger
wb <- createWorkbook() addWorksheet(wb, "cellIs") addWorksheet(wb, "Moving Row") addWorksheet(wb, "Moving Col") addWorksheet(wb, "Dependent on") addWorksheet(wb, "Duplicates") addWorksheet(wb, "containsText") addWorksheet(wb, "notcontainsText") addWorksheet(wb, "beginsWith") addWorksheet(wb, "endsWith") addWorksheet(wb, "colourScale", zoom = 30) addWorksheet(wb, "databar") addWorksheet(wb, "between") addWorksheet(wb, "topN") addWorksheet(wb, "bottomN") addWorksheet(wb, "logical operators") negStyle <- createStyle(fontColour = "#9C0006", bgFill = "#FFC7CE") posStyle <- createStyle(fontColour = "#006100", bgFill = "#C6EFCE") ## rule applies to all each cell in range writeData(wb, "cellIs", -5:5) writeData(wb, "cellIs", LETTERS[1:11], startCol = 2) conditionalFormatting(wb, "cellIs", cols = 1, rows = 1:11, rule = "!=0", style = negStyle ) conditionalFormatting(wb, "cellIs", cols = 1, rows = 1:11, rule = "==0", style = posStyle ) ## highlight row dependent on first cell in row writeData(wb, "Moving Row", -5:5) writeData(wb, "Moving Row", LETTERS[1:11], startCol = 2) conditionalFormatting(wb, "Moving Row", cols = 1:2, rows = 1:11, rule = "$A1<0", style = negStyle ) conditionalFormatting(wb, "Moving Row", cols = 1:2, rows = 1:11, rule = "$A1>0", style = posStyle ) ## highlight column dependent on first cell in column writeData(wb, "Moving Col", -5:5) writeData(wb, "Moving Col", LETTERS[1:11], startCol = 2) conditionalFormatting(wb, "Moving Col", cols = 1:2, rows = 1:11, rule = "A$1<0", style = negStyle ) conditionalFormatting(wb, "Moving Col", cols = 1:2, rows = 1:11, rule = "A$1>0", style = posStyle ) ## highlight entire range cols X rows dependent only on cell A1 writeData(wb, "Dependent on", -5:5) writeData(wb, "Dependent on", LETTERS[1:11], startCol = 2) conditionalFormatting(wb, "Dependent on", cols = 1:2, rows = 1:11, rule = "$A$1<0", style = negStyle ) conditionalFormatting(wb, "Dependent on", cols = 1:2, rows = 1:11, rule = "$A$1>0", style = posStyle ) ## highlight cells in column 1 based on value in column 2 writeData(wb, "Dependent on", data.frame(x = 1:10, y = runif(10)), startRow = 15) conditionalFormatting(wb, "Dependent on", cols = 1, rows = 16:25, rule = "B16<0.5", style = negStyle ) conditionalFormatting(wb, "Dependent on", cols = 1, rows = 16:25, rule = "B16>=0.5", style = posStyle ) ## highlight duplicates using default style writeData(wb, "Duplicates", sample(LETTERS[1:15], size = 10, replace = TRUE)) conditionalFormatting(wb, "Duplicates", cols = 1, rows = 1:10, type = "duplicates") ## cells containing text fn <- function(x) paste(sample(LETTERS, 10), collapse = "-") writeData(wb, "containsText", sapply(1:10, fn)) conditionalFormatting(wb, "containsText", cols = 1, rows = 1:10, type = "contains", rule = "A") ## cells not containing text fn <- function(x) paste(sample(LETTERS, 10), collapse = "-") writeData(wb, "containsText", sapply(1:10, fn)) conditionalFormatting(wb, "notcontainsText", cols = 1, rows = 1:10, type = "notcontains", rule = "A") ## cells begins with text fn <- function(x) paste(sample(LETTERS, 10), collapse = "-") writeData(wb, "beginsWith", sapply(1:100, fn)) conditionalFormatting(wb, "beginsWith", cols = 1, rows = 1:100, type = "beginsWith", rule = "A") ## cells ends with text fn <- function(x) paste(sample(LETTERS, 10), collapse = "-") writeData(wb, "endsWith", sapply(1:100, fn)) conditionalFormatting(wb, "endsWith", cols = 1, rows = 1:100, type = "endsWith", rule = "A") ## colourscale colours cells based on cell value df <- read.xlsx(system.file("extdata", "readTest.xlsx", package = "openxlsx"), sheet = 4) writeData(wb, "colourScale", df, colNames = FALSE) ## write data.frame ## rule is a vector or colours of length 2 or 3 (any hex colour or any of colours()) ## If rule is NULL, min and max of cells is used. Rule must be the same length as style or NULL. conditionalFormatting(wb, "colourScale", cols = 1:ncol(df), rows = 1:nrow(df), style = c("black", "white"), rule = c(0, 255), type = "colourScale" ) setColWidths(wb, "colourScale", cols = 1:ncol(df), widths = 1.07) setRowHeights(wb, "colourScale", rows = 1:nrow(df), heights = 7.5) ## Databars writeData(wb, "databar", -5:5) conditionalFormatting(wb, "databar", cols = 1, rows = 1:11, type = "databar") ## Default colours ## Between # Highlight cells in interval [-2, 2] writeData(wb, "between", -5:5) conditionalFormatting(wb, "between", cols = 1, rows = 1:11, type = "between", rule = c(-2, 2)) ## Top N writeData(wb, "topN", data.frame(x = 1:10, y = rnorm(10))) # Highlight top 5 values in column x conditionalFormatting(wb, "topN", cols = 1, rows = 2:11, style = posStyle, type = "topN", rank = 5)#' # Highlight top 20 percentage in column y conditionalFormatting(wb, "topN", cols = 2, rows = 2:11, style = posStyle, type = "topN", rank = 20, percent = TRUE) ## Bottom N writeData(wb, "bottomN", data.frame(x = 1:10, y = rnorm(10))) # Highlight bottom 5 values in column x conditionalFormatting(wb, "bottomN", cols = 1, rows = 2:11, style = negStyle, type = "topN", rank = 5) # Highlight bottom 20 percentage in column y conditionalFormatting(wb, "bottomN", cols = 2, rows = 2:11, style = negStyle, type = "topN", rank = 20, percent = TRUE) ## Logical Operators # You can use Excels logical Operators writeData(wb, "logical operators", 1:10) conditionalFormatting(wb, "logical operators", cols = 1, rows = 1:10, rule = "OR($A1=1,$A1=3,$A1=5,$A1=7)" ) if (FALSE) { saveWorkbook(wb, "conditionalFormattingExample.xlsx", TRUE) } ######################################################################### ## Databar Example wb <- createWorkbook() addWorksheet(wb, "databar") ## Databars writeData(wb, "databar", -5:5, startCol = 1) conditionalFormatting(wb, "databar", cols = 1, rows = 1:11, type = "databar") ## Defaults writeData(wb, "databar", -5:5, startCol = 3) conditionalFormatting(wb, "databar", cols = 3, rows = 1:11, type = "databar", border = FALSE) writeData(wb, "databar", -5:5, startCol = 5) conditionalFormatting(wb, "databar", cols = 5, rows = 1:11, type = "databar", style = c("#a6a6a6"), showValue = FALSE ) writeData(wb, "databar", -5:5, startCol = 7) conditionalFormatting(wb, "databar", cols = 7, rows = 1:11, type = "databar", style = c("#a6a6a6"), showValue = FALSE, gradient = FALSE ) writeData(wb, "databar", -5:5, startCol = 9) conditionalFormatting(wb, "databar", cols = 9, rows = 1:11, type = "databar", style = c("#a6a6a6", "#a6a6a6"), showValue = FALSE, gradient = FALSE ) if (FALSE) { saveWorkbook(wb, file = "databarExample.xlsx", overwrite = TRUE) }